21st October 2019
Yr10 Driving Camp; Yr12 Final Week; Yr9 Market Day; Yr10 Mock Interviews
Year 10 students head inland to Charlton for their driving instruction camp where they learn the rules and practical skills in a special off-road environment.
Year 12 students enjoy their last official week of their schooling career – dressing up in various outfits across the week and challenging staff to sport competitions at lunch times...who'll win? They now have intensive study before exams kick off shortly.
Year 9s have ‘Market Day’ where they'll showcase and spruik their product/service developed through a ‘$20 boss’ project. They had to create a business and related logo and will also be selling their wares at the fete on the 4th November.
Thank you to Ros O'Grady, Bernadette Marriner, Dick Lythgo, Brian McKenzie, Robyn Lamson and John Lugg who helped with the Year 10 mock interviews last week. It was an invaluable experience for the students.
For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.
Nicola Philp