Colac Otway Shire Council – upcoming weed control works
June 12, 2019

Under the Environmental Weed Control Program, Colac Otway Shire Council undertakes targeted treatment of noxious weed infestations to protect road reserves and other environmental reserves throughout the shire with significant environmental values, such as high-quality remnant indigenous vegetation and threatened species.

Upcoming weed control works are scheduled to take place throughout Colac Otway Shire between Tuesday 23 June and Tuesday 30 June, 2020.

The program is organised by weed species being targeted, so that the timing of treatment ensures the weed control will be as effective as possible.

Experienced weed control contractors are engaged to use a range of methods, including ‘cut and paint’ and ‘spot spraying’ using selective herbicides, and the program is designed to ensure there are no off-target impacts. The decision as to which chemical to use is based on the location of road, surrounding vegetation, adjoining properties and the life stage of the weed species.

Weeds to be targeted in upcoming works are Spanish Heath (Erica lusitanica, Erica baccans) and Blue Bell Creeper (Billardiera heterophylla, Billardiera fusifomis Labill).

For further details, including location of weed control works can be found at Council’s website at


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