Dogs need to maintain social distance too
May 6, 2019
Colac Otway Shire Council is asking dog-owners to clean up after their pets and keep dogs on a leash while on their daily walks.
Local Laws - Community Safety Coordinator Graeme Murphy said with the closure of gyms, pools and playgrounds due to COVID-19 many people were opting to take the dog for a walk as a form of exercise, but it was important to keep pets under control.
“Our community is doing a great job adhering to government restrictions by working and studying at home. While more of us are at home, we’re seeing increased numbers of people choosing to walk their dogs as their daily exercise,” Mr Murphy said.
“This can be problematic if owners don’t have control of their dog, or their dogs aren’t used to being around people or other animals.
“Keeping control of your dog, keeping your pets on a lead and being considerate of others on pathways are simple ways we can all look out for each other and continue to maintain social distancing while taking a walk.
Mr Murphy said dog owners must also remember to clean up after their pets in public areas.
“Just as we’re seeing an increase in dogs being walked, we’re also seeing an increase in the amount of people not cleaning up after their pets.
“If you’re heading out for a walk, before you leave the house check you have a bag to clean up after your dog.
“Picking up after your dog is just a basic consideration for other people who are also walking around the paths, gardens and public areas in Colac Otway.
“If we all do our bit, we can all enjoy our daily exercise in a safe and responsible manner.”
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(03) 5232 9400