Otway Forum Report

11th November 2018
OTWAY FORUM MEETING No. 318 - November 11 2018

Cr. Stephen Hart in attendance.

- Sarah Henderson announces $17m in pork barrelling promises.

- $1m mothers beach parking upgrade.

- $1.8m harbour entry road up grade.

- $1.74m breakwater road upgrade

- $2.5m fishing co-op 2nd storey restaurant.

- $2.43m boardwalk, plaza, link to town.

- $2.21m new port operations depot.

- $0.82m utility upgrades.

- $5 MILLION Wild Dog to Skenes walking/cycling trail.

- Swimming pool committee still looking for funding!!!

- $14m still needed to fix infrastructure and dredging issues at the harbour.

- The walking trail feasibility study has so far cost $75,000, with much more to be spent before it can be presented to DELWP for possible approval.

- Technical reports attached to the study point to the inherent risks of the currently accelerating sea level rise and increasing storm surge activity on large stretches of the proposed route.

- Ancient aboriginal middens all along the coast are fast disappearing.

- Geotechnical reports also warn of land slip risks along the cliff sections of the track.

- It might be feasible but is it sensible!!!!

- Find these reports in the agenda for Oct. COS meeting.

- To walk along the beach to Skenes takes 1 hour and can be done at low tide at least 6 hrs per day!!!!

- Latest DELWP beach erosion options report due in December.

- Groynes widely supported at info day as a long term option.

- A minimum number could be six at 50 metres approx. $1m each!!!

- Current emergency rock wall being built at Milford St. is $6000 per metre.

- The cup weekend swell event showed waves still overtopping the track at this location!!

- GOR Task Force final report has 26 major recommendations, many highlighting the need for better long term planning!!!

- Will there be a moratorium until the new GOR authority is in place???

- The 5 yearly Victorian Coastal Strategy to be released next year.

- Boat ramp car parking to be halfed after a $800,000? planned upgrade??

- 70 parks with trailers, reduced to 35?? Is this necessary??

- Well done to COS for new main street lighting, seats and rubbish bins!!

- More lighting, street repairs, kerbing and footpaths urgently needed in back streets!!!

- COS to hold a pop up info day on its budget this Thursday at the bakery 12-2pm.

- If any of the above concerns you please have your say on Thursday at the popup.

- Apollo Bay contributes to 23% of rate revenue but only receives 11% of spending.

- COS didn’t have a wish list document ready for state election lobbying??


Otway Forum meets 2nd Sunday of every month at 3pm at Marrar Woorn or find us at www.forum.apollobay.org.au

Find out what’s really going on!

Peter Fillmore
Hon. Secretary
Otway Forum

0428 091 694