Colac Otway Commences Service Review
August 25, 2023
Colac Otway Shire Council has commenced a review of its aged care and disability support services in response to Commonwealth Government reforms to in-home care.
The new reforms are a significant change and include increases in reporting and accountability requirements, changes to provider accreditation, new governance standards and increased prudential and financial reporting.
At its meeting in May, Council resolved to undertake a Best Value Review. Council has also endorsed a project plan that outlines how the review will be approached, including the importance of consultation with clients, staff and community as well as the use of specialist experts to fully understand the implications of the reforms.
To support the review, an expert consultancy group has been appointed. Lake Advisory has commenced work and bring expertise in program evaluation, community consultation and engagement, financial analysis and risk assessment.
Council’s General Manager of Corporate Services Andrew Tenni said that one of the first tasks for Lake Advisory is to work with Council to develop an engagement plan that will outline how staff, clients, families and the community will be able to participate in the review.
“We want to ensure that there are a number of ways in which people will be able to get involved in the review. Further details of how people can participate will be available in the coming weeks,” he said.
Mr Tenni said that Council was keen to make sure that people receiving services continued to be looked after in the best possible way. “We have very dedicated staff who are extremely supportive of members of our community who need in-home care,” Mr Tenni said. “Services will operate as usual throughout this process and we will keep our clients and staff informed”.
A report on the Best Value Review will be presented at a Council Meeting in late 2023 for a decision on the future delivery of aged and disability services in Colac Otway Shire.
Mr Tenni encouraged people to view more information about the review on the Council website and have their say throughout the consultation process.
If you have any questions, please contact Council on (03) 5232 9400 or email
Council Enquiries
(03) 5232 9400