Colac Otway Shire

Fire preparedness a shared responsibility

August 29, 2023


Council is reminding property owners and residents that, as the Fire Danger Period draws closer, it is a shared responsibility to reduce risk of fire in the shire.

“We have seen the fire devastation across the northern hemisphere in recent months, and with the likelihood of an EL Nino event and an earlier start to the Fire Danger Period, residents should start to prepare properties for the coming summer season,” said General Manager Infrastructure and Operations Heath Chasemore.

Council's Fire Prevention Inspection Program will begin in late October, starting in the north of the shire and working down to the coast.

“If your neighbour isn’t a permanent resident, it would be helpful to also let them know Council will soon be conducting the Fire Prevention Inspection Program. Now is a good time to start preparing property for the season ahead, Mr Chasemore said.

Property owners are reminded burning off in designated township areas is only permitted on Fridays and Saturdays after 10am and must be extinguished before 6pm. For properties not within designated township areas there is no restriction to the time and day for burning off.

“Prior to conducting a burn, check the weather forecast and continue to monitor weather during your burn. Notify your neighbours before lighting your burn to help them if there are any medical requirements they may need to consider,” Mr Chasemore said.

Burns must be registered at least 30 minutes prior to ignition by calling 1800 668 511. Burn only dry vegetation, establish a fire break of not less than 3 metres cleared of all flammable material, and ensure there’s a water supply with enough water to extinguish the fire if required. Never leave a fire unattended.

“Property burn-offs, unless well monitored, can quickly get out of control with a wind change or gust, causing damage to neighbouring properties and infrastructure.

“Working together, we can all help reduce the risk of emergencies and fire during the coming summer to keep ourselves and our communities safe,” Mr Chasemore said.

Further information on conducting burn-offs can be found on Council’s website, by typing fire and emergencies in the search bar.


Colac Otway Shire

Council Enquiries

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