Business Listing Options


Business and community group listings, advertisements and promotions on this website are restricted to organisations that are based in Apollo Bay or the surrounding district or that have clear and direct relevance to Apollo Bay and district residents or visitors.


Listing Options

Basic Listing ($60pa)

Name, address, phone numbers, email

Extended Listing ($90pa)

Address, phone numbers, email
Add a paragraph of text to describe your business, state business hours, etc.

Display Listing ($120pa)


Subtitle/Contact name,  Phone numbers

Address,  email,  website

Add a paragraph of text to describe your business, state business hours, etc. and a picture or logo, all enclosed in a display box.


Full Page Listing ($180+pa depending on the complexity)

Address, phone numbers, email

Your business name has a link to a separate page on the site.  The separate page can have a logo, extended text and multiple photos as well as any or all of the optional extras below.  See Bimbi Park as an example.

Side Bar Button ($400)

This option includes a button on the left side bar of the front page which includes a link directly to either your full page listing, your own website or Facebook page or your business directory listing AND a Basic Listing (or $60 off one of the other listing options above) in the relevant business directory.


Extra Options

These options can be added to any of the listing options above for an extra $36pa each.

Website Link

Link to your separate website

Social Media Link

Link to your Social Media page

Map Link

Link to your business address on Google Maps



All prices are for 12 months. We will email you an invoice and payment can be made by direct debit or cheque.  Please allow 10 working days from receipt of both details and payment for full listings to be uploaded to the website. You will be invoiced annually. Call 0417 582 407 if you have any queries.

Apollo Bay Community Website Inc. is a registered not-for-profit group.  All income goes towards the cost of operating and maintaining the website.