Submit a Listing


Listing Prices

All non-profit listings


What's On Event

From $24*

Class, Course or Workshop
Advertisement - Employment, Rentals, Wanted to Buy/Sell, etc.
(listed until advised or expiry date reached)


3 Month Listing

From $24*

6 Month Listing

From $36*

12 Month Listing

From $60*

Link to your business website, Facebook page or map

Extra $12/$24/$36
per 3mths/6mths/12mths
for each link

* depending on the complexity



A 20% discount applies for businesses with a current paid listing in one of the business directories on the Apollo Bay Community Website.

We will email you an invoice (if applicable) and payment can be made by direct debit or cheque

Please send us an email if you have any further questions.

Listing Details
Optional Extras

Please enter your contact details for billing and queries and enter any comments you'd like to make about your listing.
