Tue. 4th - 5.30pm-7pm
Summer by the Sea - Shoreline Secrets @ Marengo
Discover the amazing diversity of the intertidal, on a leisurely walk along our coast with local expert Marg.
For further information and to book go to summerbythesea.vic.gov.au.
Sun. 9th - 9am-1pm
MONSTER BOOK SALE @ Apollo Bay P-12 College Leisure Centre Costin St, Apollo Bay
Cakes and coffee available
Fri. 18th - 6.30pm
'Parks' Fundraising Screening Night @ Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Centre
The Parks team are running a screening in Apollo Bay to bring awareness to their Swinburne graduate film. The program includes two short documentaries by Jackson Hayat, the director of Parks, and a classic Australian feature film:
Putty's Pride (2021) dir. Jackson Hayat Shaper (2021) dir. Jackson Hayat Kenny (2006) dir. Clayton Jacobson
Tickets for this event are $5 (available here) with 50 seats available. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be supplied.
The Parks team are eager to use this event as a chance to support the community their short film is being shot in. With principal photography of Parks taking place among the Otways, director Jackson Hayat and the film’s production team are excited to give back to the Apollo Bay community through the best way they know how… films!
Mon. 21st - 6pm
Apollo Bay Preschool - Final Annual General Meeting @ 69 McLachlan St
If you plan to attend, RSVPs are required - contact secretary Stephanie on 0400 328 190 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Wed. 23rd - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
MARCH 2022
Sat. 5th - 10.45am
OCEAN March Against Seismic Testing & Gas Expansion in the Otway Basin
Meet at the Mechanics Hall at 10.45am for 11am start.
Special guests from Friends of the Earth and Southern Ocean Protection Embassy Collective will be joining us.
If there is no wind we will be flying our giant gas rig down the main street, fingers crossed.
Singing, as usual OCEAN will be singing.
Launch of OCEAN's rubbish bin campaign.
Seismic Testing is happening again in the Otway Basin, more titles have been released for exploration, one massive title only 5 km from Port Fairy.
Please help OCEAN to tell our friends and visitors this summer about seismic testing and the danger of offshore gas exploration.
Bring your signs or help carry one of ours, we have heaps!
See you there!
Sun. 13th - 10.45am
OCEAN March Against Seismic Testing & Gas Expansion in the Otway Basin
Meet at the Mechanics Hall at 10.45am for 11am start.
Are You Marching With Us?
March down the main street (slowly) and inform visitors to the coast about new gas exploration.
Finish at the Info Centre where Dr Denise Ruth and others who will speak about the impacts of gas on human health and the environment.
Why? Because seismic testing and new gas is wrecking our planet!
Please join OCEAN’s peaceful street march and help tell our visitors about the devastating impact of Seismic Testing and New Gas.
Bring your signs or help carry one of ours, we have heaps!
All Welcome! This event is family friendly and has been sanctioned by local businesses and will have sage Police escort.
Wed. 23rd - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Sat. 26th - 9.30am-12pm
Come and join us at Wildlife Wonders for a presentation on seaweed by Dr Celia Biancacci from Deakin University, have a cuppa and some cake, then head down to the Marengo Reef for a rockpool ramble!
When: Saturday 26th of March, 9:30am-12pm Where: Wildlife Wonders, 475 Great Ocean Rd, Apollo Bay followed by a beach walk/snorkel. Price: Free
Get your tickets here www.tickettailor.com/events/otwayoceancare/671149
And check out these resources from the Deakin Seaweed Research Group
APRIL 2022
Sat. 9th - 10am-1pm+
Otway Barham Landcare Group Working Bee @ 420 Great Ocean Rd, Marengo
When: Saturday the 9th of April 10am-1pm followed by lunch Where: 420 Great Ocean Rd, Marengo
Help tackle some ginger, canna lilly, blackberry and other garden escapees.
Bring gloves if you have them and stay for a complimentary lunch afterwards. Please let me know if you're planning on coming so we have an idea on numbers for catering.
Oliver, Landcare Facilitator, Southern Otway Landcare Network, 0412 313 216.
Sun. 10th - 9am-2pm
ABRAR BAZAAR - Fundraising for Refugees @ 1-3 Nelson St, Apollo Bay
$25 per site (car boot or byo table) goes directly to helping refugees in Afghanistan & the community. Stall holders can choose to keep their takings or donate a portion.
Crafts, books, pre-loved clothes, household goods, trinkets, & treasures.
Live music - new players welcome.
Delicious home-made food and drinks.
Lone Pony coffee cart.
Kids' activities including kite-making.
Free event so come and browse, eat, drink & enjoy.
Book a market stall or pre-order a food ticket (to assist with catering): https://events.humanitix.com/abrar-bazaar.
Please bring cash - there will be no EFTPOS.
For more info contact: Vicky 0417 127 401 or Ali 0418 395 205.
Fri. 15th - Sat. 23rd - 10am-4pm daily
Apollo Bay Art Show @ 4 Whelan St & Online
Opening Good Friday, the Apollo Bay Art Show will run from the 15th – 23rd of April 2022 at the Apollo Bay Community Hall from 10am to 4pm daily and online.
All artwork purchased must be collected on the 23rd April between 4pm and 7pm.
See full details here.
Wed. 20th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Special Meeting @ 1-3 Nelson St, Apollo Bay
The sole purpose of the Special Council meeting will be to consider the following items:
- Great South Coast Membership
- Appointment of Community Asset Committee for 4 Whelan St., Apollo Bay (Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Ctre)
- 69 McLachlan Street, Apollo Bay (old Apollo Bay Kindergarten site) – Options for Sale
- Contract 2206 – Crushed Rock Preferred Supplier Panel
- Contract 2207 – Tender Evaluation - External Plant Hire
Written questions may be submitted by 5pm on Monday 18 April.
See the full agenda here.
Sat. 23rd - 9.30am-12pm
FISH WORKSHOP @ Wildlife Wonders
When: Saturday 23rd of april, 9:30am-12pm Where: Wildlife Wonders, 475 Great Ocean Rd, Apollo Bay followed by a snorkel Price: Free
Come join us at Wildlife Wonders for a presentation on marine fish identification and ecology, followed by some coffee and cake. We'll then head down to Marengo reefs (weather dependent) for a snorkel and see what fish we can find and pop up on inaturalist!
Get your tickets here tickettailor.com/events/otwayoceancare.
Wed. 27th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
MAY 2022
Sat. 14th May - Sun. 15th
Great Ocean Road Running Festival
Formerly known as the Great Ocean Road Marathon, the event has grown to allow runners of all ages and fitness levels to participate in events ranging from the 1.5km Kid’s Gallop all the way up to the 60km Ultra Marathon. In order to make the event an even better weekend away for runners and their support crew, be it family or friends, we’re bringing you even more things to do in Apollo Bay & Lorne than ever before.
The spectacular setting of the iconic Great Ocean Road makes the Great Ocean Road Running Festival a must-do for your running checklist. Whether you’re travelling from regional Victoria, interstate or from around the world, this Festival based in Apollo Bay & Lorne is a great destination for a running weekend away.
Participants rave about the friendly, local feel of the event, with many coming back year after year. If you’re looking for your next big challenge, this is it.
Fundraise for the Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation while you enjoy your run.
Please note that some roads will be closed around Apollo Bay on Saturday and the Great Ocean Road will be closed on Sunday. See the GORRF website for further information.

Wed. 25th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
JUNE 2022
Sun. 5th - 3-5pm
Apollo Bay Enviro Fair - World Environment Day @ Wildlife Wonders
Want to know how local groups are making a positive contribution to the planet?
Ever wanted to do something to help the environment but not sure how to get involved?
Apollo Bay’s Enviro Fair '22 is for you!
Come along on World Environment Day (Sunday 5th June) to share a cuppa with friends and hear about what local groups are doing to create a better future for our planet, caring for the beautiful southern Otways landscape we call home.
Apollo Bay has some wonderfully vibrant and engaging groups making a real difference to our region, they’d love to share their work with you and invite you to join them in whatever capacity you can.
There’s ‘Only One Earth’ and sometimes the best contribution we can make is at the tree roots.
So please come along to Enviro Fair ’22 for a warm and welcoming green celebration!
When: Sunday 5th June, 3-5pm
Where: Wildlife Wonders, 475 Great Ocean Road, Apollo Bay
Entry is FREE, café open for drinks and afternoon tea.
Please register your interest at bit.ly/envirofair22.
Wed. 29th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
(Changed by Resolution from 22 June to 29 June 2022).
See the full agenda here.
JULY 2022
Wed. 27th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Thu. 28th Fri. 29th
The Unbreakable Farmer - Warren Davies
Thu. 28th July - 8.15-10.15pm @ The Brewhouse
Fri. 29th July - 9-11am @ Apollo Bay Community Hall
Click on the poster for full details.
Fri. 29th - Sun. 31st
Apollo Bay WORDfest
See apollobaywordfest.com for full details.
Sun. 31st - 10am-1pm+
SOLN - National Tree Day @ Milford Creek, Apollo Bay
When: Sunday 31st July - 10am-1pm followed by lunch Where: Meet at the end of Dolphin Ct, Apollo Bay
Please bring your family and friends and join us for a planting day at this community space.
Help restore biodiversity, sequester carbon, beautify our neighborhood and improve your mental health at the same time!
Planting local native plants does all of this and more, and everyone who comes gets to take some plants home for their own garden too (if you want to do more planting).
Wear sturdy shoes and bring your own gloves and tools if you have them and we'll have spares for those who don't.
Go to www.treeday.planetark.org to register your interest (so we have an idea on numbers for catering) or contact Oliver for more details on 0412 313 216 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Oliver, Landcare Facilitator, Southern Otway Landcare Network, 0412 313 216.
Sat. 6th - 10am-1pm+
SOLN - Busty Road Revegetation
When: Saturday 6th August - 10am-1pm followed by lunch Where: 195 Busty Road, Apollo Bay
Apollo Bay Landcare Group and SOLN are teaming up to help do some revegetation on Busty Rd.
Like a lot of our high rainfall hilly areas, there is a lot of natural regeneration happening on this property (from wind blown and animal spread seeds), however, some species like Eucalypts are not good at colonising large distances due to their seed type. As a result we are planning on giving natural succession a helping hand by adding in a few larger species that are missing on the property.
Unfortunately as well, feral deer such as fallow are becoming a problem in the area and so large guards will need to be applied on all plants to prevent grazing damage.
Marcel will be putting on a delicious feed after the event so please RSVP on the National Tree Day Website to give us an idea on numbers for catering. Spare gloves and tree planters provided.
Go to www.treeday.planetark.org to register your interest (so we have an idea on numbers for catering) or contact Oliver for more details on 0412 313 216 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Oliver, Landcare Facilitator, Southern Otway Landcare Network, 0412 313 216.
Fri. 12th - Sun. 14th
Winter Wild
See winterwild.com.au for full details.
Sat. 20th - 3-6pm
Apollo Bay Sailing Club Annual General Meeting
When: Sat. 20th August, 3pm (for a 4pm start) - 6pm Where: 64 Pascoe Street, Apollo Bay
All welcome.
Teams link will be available via Facebook or email.
For further details call Paul Heland (Secretary) on 0478 615 523.
Wed. 24th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Fri. 26th - Sun. 28th
Winter Wild
See winterwild.com.au for full details.
Thu. 15th - 10am-1pm
Saving Your Local Hooded Plovers - Information & Training Workshop
When: Thu. 15th September - 10am-1pm Where: The Project Space, 1-3 Nelson St, Apollo Bay RSVP: to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click on the poster for further details.
Sat. 17th - 9.30am-12.30pm
SOLN Tree Guard Working Bee
When: Sat. 17th September - 9.39am-12.30pm Where: Otway Park
We’re having a large tree guard working bee at Otway Park on 17th September from 9:30am - 12:30pm to work at installing some more of the super guards as part of the Wild Otways Initiative project.
The guards are made using three star pickets and 2.5mtrs of heavy duty chicken wire cable-tied to the posts.
Please bring along work boots (gaiters if you have them) and gloves as we’ll be walking through bracken, bushes and fallen trees.
You will get to see the revegetation work we’ve been doing after planned burns, and see how effective the larger tree guards are in protecting smaller trees from wallabies etc. Otway Park is at the 8 kilometre mark (orange post) (about half a kilometre past the Manna Gum Drive turnoff to Bimbi Park) on the Lighthouse Road after you turn off the Great Ocean Road. Come in the gate and follow the main/worn track around till you see us…
We’ll provide a lunch afterwards and hope to see a few volunteers come along.
We’d appreciate knowing if people were coming to help with catering.
Contact: Colin Warren This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 0407 688 306
Wed. 28th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Sat. 22nd - 10am-1pm
SHRUBLETS: An Enchanting Day in the Nursery for Little Growers
When: Sat. 22nd October - 10am-1pm Where: SOLN Support Centre & Nursery, 125 MONTROSE AVE, APOLLO BAY
Bring along the special child/children in your life to learn about growing native plants and how they can enjoy & contribute to the biodiversity of the Southern Otways.
It's an opportunity to connect your child or grandchild to nature in a morning of fun activities including:
- the potting up of a seedling to take home
- nature craft activity
- a magical puppetry journey with Georgie Rose Puppetry to discover nature's secrets.
Lunch is provided (please advise of any special dietary needs).
Children's Week is brought to you by the Victorian Government to celebrate children and highlight the importance of every child’s right to a standard of living that supports their wellbeing and healthy development. All Children’s Week events are free of charge to Victorian families with children under 12, ensuring all families can participate in fun, engaging and educational experiences.
This event will be delivered in line with the Victorian Government COVIDSafe settings.
Suited to children aged 6 to 12 years.
FREE but bookings essential - BOOK HERE.
Sat. 22nd - from 1pm
Southern Otway Landcare Network AGM @ SOLN's Support Centre, Piggery Lane, Apollo Bay
Come learn about Landcare and the work we've been doing in the Southern Otways. And check out our nursery and the plants we have for your revegetation projects.
It will be a wonderful afternoon celebrating the work of our volunteers with music, cheese and wine.
Registrations not essential but will help with catering.
1pm for music, 2pm AGM begins.
Wed. 26th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ The Project Space, 1–3 Nelson Street, Apollo Bay
The meetings will be livestreamed to the public via Council’s You Tube channel (search Colac Otway Shire Council at www.youtube.com).
Council meetings are open to the public and interested people are welcome to attend.
Copies of the agenda will be available from Friday 21 October. See the full agenda here.
Fri. 28th - Mon. 31st
The Otway Biofest @ Gellibrand & Apollo Bay
How well do we really know the Otway Ranges and coastline?
There’s a long weekend on the horizon. By then, spring will have sprung! So, we’ve got a cracking experience planned for you. It’s on the last weekend of October, so pop it on the calendar!
We’re so lucky in this area to be surrounded by such a richly diverse environment. Let's share and celebrate this beauty and complexity, with visitors from near and far.
Whether you’re a bike rider, scout, walker, snorkeler, bird watcher, beachcomber, team, group, family or individual, this weekend has something for everyone.
Throughout the weekend there’ll be local legends leading groups to different parts of the Otways to observe and connect with all the diverse creatures and critters - like birds, frogs, plants, fungi, bats, moths, fish and marine life. Some of these activities will even be under the stars. There will be guest presenters and workshops on their specialties like plant, animal, fungi and marine life, including friends and foes. This same weekend is the Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB), a biodiversity survey with thousands of participants across 14 countries. Our event is a part of this and will contribute observations of biodiversity to this large-scale citizen science project. We’ll go onto a global leaderboard of hundreds of similar regional projects, for the number of observations we make and the number of different species we see. Over the past few years all across the Otways, there’s been a small group of passionate people doing the heavy lifting for all of us. Rain hail or shine, they’ve been observing all forms of biodiversity, annually, in a ninety-six-hour marathon. It’s time to up the ante and ignite the Aussie competitive spirit for the GSB, a competition with many countries across the southern hemisphere. Oh, and we’ll be having some fun along the way, of course! By dedicating a weekend to hanging out together and observing nature, we can make new connections with our human and non-human communities at the same time. Participants are welcome to come along for individual sessions or camp out by the fire for the whole weekend. There are limited camping discounts up for grabs too! In both Gellibrand and Apollo Bay. When
The Great Southern Bioblitz runs From Friday 28th to Monday 31st Oct. All coordinated Otways Biofest activities will be scheduled for Saturday 29 and Sunday 30, in and around Gellibrand and Apollo Bay. How
Go to www.coln.org.au and subscribe to our news updates, so you’ll be ‘in the know’ when the schedule is released. You can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest in a discount for camping at Gellibrand (base camp) or Apollo Bay (marine and coastal camp).
Places are limited for both locations. We will be releasing info about our guest speakers on our Instagram account too @otwayfoodandfibre.
Click on the poster for further details.
Sat. 29th from 12pm
Apollo Bay Sailing Club Open Day @ Apollo Bay Sailing Club
ABSC Members and their guests are invited to celebrate the Opening of our sailing season.
Getting into the spirit of Opening Day will be great fun at ABSC. This year's Opening Day theme is “Pirates”, so pull put on your best Pirates garb and dress your boat ! Awards for ‘best dressed boats’ and “best dressed Members will be presented after racing.
The day starts with the opening ceremony at 12:10pm near the flagpole.
Briefing at 12:30pm.
Sail past at 1:15pm through the harbour mouth in a Pirate lead frenzy of sailing anarchy. The lead boat will be Wild Rose, of course!
Opening Day race will be a short stern chaser starting at 1.50pm.
Regular club points race at 2:30.
From 4pm, come back to the club to celebrate with live music from talented local musical ABSC members.
See the Apollo Bay Sailing Club website for full details and to register.
Thu. 3rd - 6.30pm
Southern Otways Sustainable Inc. AGM @ Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Centre, 4 Whelan St
Come along and help celebrate what we achieved in what was a very busy and productive 2021-22 and find out what’s cooking for 2022-23.
There will be some refreshments as well as the usual election of committee members. We promise no pressure will be exerted so come along to mostly hear about our progress. Its really just a great opportunity to connect with like-minded folk who are committed to renewable energy/energy efficiency in our community.
There will also be a resolution put to the membership for voting on regarding an update to membership arrangements. This is due to growth in folk interested in the work of S.O.S and the need to formalise our membership register.
Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can arrange catering.
We'd love to see you there!
The Southern Otways Sustainable Committee
Sat. 5th - 3pm
Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation Inc AGM @ Captains at the Bay, 21 Pascoe St
We cordially invite everyone to join us at Captains at the Bay for our AGM followed by refreshments.
We will be presenting and acknowledging Grants totalling $21,979 for the year ended 30 June 2022.
We will also be acknowledging the distribution of $34,355 made to organisations who made a significant contribution to the successful Great Ocean Road Running Festival in May this year.
Our Grants, including funding of new projects within our district, would not be possible without the support of our Members and the generous bequests left to the Health Foundation. We encourage everyone to consider making a bequest to the Apollo Bay and District Health Foundation to enable us to continue supporting the community, now and in the future.
We are also very pleased to advise that our Guest speaker this year is Sandy Chamberlin, CEO of Great Ocean Road Health.
Craig Buckingham, Chairman
Tue. 8th - 9am
Tuesday Plant Walk @ Otway Herbs
Hello Shrubbies & SOLN friends!
We are going to take advantage of a small window of forecasted sunshine in our neverending Otways winter and head up to Judi & Ken Forrester's property for our Tuesday plant walk, a bit of weeding & a look at a revegetation success story.
Meet at 9am at the council offices (69 Nelson St.) if you'd like to car-pool. OR see you up at Otway Herbs for 9:30am Otway Herbs, Biddles Rd, Via Wild Dog Creek Rd, Apollo Bay
PLEASE BRING along a small plate of morning tea to share if possible, a pair of gardening gloves, and your favourite travel mug & weeding tool.
I'll bring a selection of tea, ground coffee & a plunger, and milk (dairy & soy).
Look forward to enjoying the Forrester's gorgeous property with you all in the sunshine!
Warmly, Andrea
Tue. 15th - 6.30pm
Horse & Other Livestock Owners Evening With Kathy Gabriel @ Freshwater Creek
See more information here.

Wed. 23rd - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Sat. 26th - Sun. 27th
2022 Flying Fifteen State Titles @ Apollo Bay Sailing Club
The 59th FFI-V 2022-2023 State Championships is Victoria’s principal event for the season and we are pleased to have Apollo Bay Sailing Club as this season’s host.
See the Apollo Bay Sailing Club website for full details.
Tue. 6th - 6pm
Apollo Bay Radio AGM @ Great Ocean Road Brewhouse
All welcome.
Wed. 14th - 4pm
Colac Otway Shire Council Meeting @ COPACC
See the full agenda here.
Thu. 22nd - 7pm
Jingle in the Bay @ Apollo Bay Youth Club, Gadubanud Country
Jingle in the Bay is Back!
After a year off Apollo Bay Radio is bring some Christmas cheer to the Youth Club.
This is a Family Friendly event. Bring a picnic and some Christmas fun.
Artists are welcome to perform 3 songs, one being a Christmas tune.
Thu. 29th Dec - Tue. 3rd Jan
Inspired by the Ocean @ Apollo Bay Mechanics' Institute Hall
An exhibition by local artists and ocean swimmers, Michelle Fillmore, and John Langmead. Inspired by our beautiful coast and the otways, Michelle uses abstract acyrlic pouring and resin to capture its beauty, whilst John takes high definition photographs depicting the incredible Southern otways and coast.

Fri. 30th Dec - Tue. 31st Jan
Otway Night: An Exhibition by Karlijn Sas @ The Project Space, 2-4 Noel St, Apollo Bay
This exhibit showcases works created this year, where the Otway night seems to be of great influence. Some artworks were inspired by the baths taken outside while Karlijn and her partner Steve were renovating their bathroom. Sitting in the warm water and taking the time to see all the colours in our spectacular night sky, made many intuitive paintings end up being night landscapes.
Other things Karlijn experimented with were monochromatic colour schemes. These are derived from a single base hue and extended using its shades, tones and tints. Tints are achieved by adding white and shades and tones are achieved by adding a darker colour, grey or black.
Monochromatic painting has been an important component of avant-garde visual art throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century. Painters have created the exploration of one colour, examining values changing across a surface, texture, and nuance, expressing a wide variety of emotions, intentions, and meanings in many different forms. From geometric precision to expressionism, the monochrome has proved to be a durable idiom in Contemporary art.
This series builds on her previous work Chromatic Bias, in which she used colours that the human visual system adjusts when there are changes in illumination, causing every individual to see the colours in the artworks slightly differently.
Artist Bio: Karlijn Sas is a visual artist that creates semi abstract paintings through an intuitively driven process that emphasises the individual's perception of place. She uses colours that the human visual system adjusts when there are changes in illumination, causing every individual to see the colours in her artwork slightly differently.
The individual perception of her art gets distorted by her use of colour, texture and the reflectiveness of materials used. Karlijn’s arts practice concentrates primarily on painting in acrylic and gold leaf on board canvases made by her partner at her studio. Her work lends towards abstract landscape and figurative genres.
