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Regional Swimming; More Yr9 Sleuthing; NAPLAN; Immunisations; More Chicks; Farewell & Welcome Back Richy
13th March 2023

Our best swimmers head off to Horsham this week to try their luck in the pool for the regional competition.

Year 9s head to Station Beach to do even more environmental investigations. They are considering selling their research to GORCAPA.

NAPLAN happened.

Our Year 7 & 10s line up their arms for their teenage immunisations.

Some little chicks popped out of eggs at the Kitchen Garden, one even during class time (how’s that for timing?! I may have high fived myself) and are providing much excitement for the 3-6 students.

And we farewelled the wonderful Richy Schrederis from the office for the final time (for a while there we thought he was doing a John Farnham!) – although amusingly he was straight back as a volunteer next day! So if that inspires you to donate some time to helping somewhere at school, please contact the office.  


ab p12cFor more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.