ab p12

Puffs - Production Week!!!; Yr5 Sovereign Hill Trip; Student Teachers; Pea Straw
10th July 2023

Production Week! This week our students will be strutting the boards in the production of Puffs – the untold story of the Hufflepuffs (a Harry Potter reference for those who don’t know). Congratulations and thank you to Megan Harrison who is again Director Extraordinaire.

Year 5s head off to Sovereign Hill as part of their studies of the Gold Rush. No doubt a few of them will experience gold fever even though they are panning the most sifted through stretch of creek in Australia!

We host two Melbourne University students as part of their ‘teach in the country’ elective where we'll hopefully show them just how lovely our little school is…and how versatile you have to be as a rural teacher, also!

Pea straw winter order is on the go - $11 a bale, cash to be dropped to the office with your name and phone number, please.


ab p12cFor more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.