Reveg Grants; Lots of Sport; Yr4 Kangaroobie Camp; VCE Food Tech Trip; Dental Products Recycling
2nd October 2023
We are very pleased to announce that our school is the recipient of a Landcare grant and a Wheen Bee Foundation grant to reveg one of the smaller paddocks to the North of the Community Garden. The students have been working hard moving mulch to make a path and planting out tiny indigenous plants. Eventually it will be an interpretative walk for all to enjoy and watch grow.
There are various interschool sporting events which involve putting hand or bat to some kind of ball in a team scenario. There are also junior and senior aths regional competitions on.
Year 4s head to Kangaroobie for one of the best camps on our calendar according to students across the board, apparently the food is excellent and having a ride in a trailer across the paddock is also a winner.
VCE Food Technology students head to Footscray markets to investigate different produce and cuisine.
And we continue to be a drop off point for dental products – toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss cannisters. Look for the clearly labelled green bin near the school entrance.
For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.