School News
Sporting Highlights; Yrs 8&10 Teen Mental Health Training; Yr12 Stress Management; Yr9 Ski Trip Cancelled
2nd September 2024
A few sporting highlights this week with lots of young fellas into the next round of football finals as part of the Apollo Bay U/14.5 team and Year 11 Teyvia Williams was crowned Australia’s U/17 cross country female champion.
Our Year 8 and 10 students continue to work towards earning their ‘Teen Mental Health’ certification with their next training session.
Our Year 12s had a stress management session with our school psychologist to help them traverse the final weeks of school and exams…and then the stresses of life beyond, if we’re keeping it real.
And unfortunately, the Year 9 ski trip had to be called off at the very last minute due to the closure of Hotham after this run of full on weather we have had. What a bugger!
For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.