Colac Otway secures $1.5 million in funding for road upgrades
May 8, 2019

Colac Otway Shire Council will be able to complete important upgrades of Binns Road near Beech Forest and Colac’s Forest Street after securing $1.5 million in State Government funding.

Shire Mayor Jason Schram said Colac Otway had been successful with its two Fixing Country Roads Program applications.

“We have received $504,000 from the State Government and Council will contribute $394,600 towards the $898,600 cost to widen Forest Street and replace the bridge over the Barongarook Creek.

“Design work for the Forest Street project received funding under round one of the Fixing Country Roads program and now we have funding through round two of the program towards completing the work.

“The bridge on Forrest Street is narrow and not adequate for the current and future transport, particularly with the heavy transport that uses the street.

“Forest Street is a major industrial precinct with a variety of industries including Bulla and AKD Softwoods, and upgrading the street and bridge will improve safety, reduce the about of maintenance required and ensure that economic and industrial development can continue in the area.

“The widening and sealing of a 3.8-kilometre stretch of Binns Road, which is an important link from Beech Forest to the Redwoods and the Great Ocean will also improve safety.

“Council has received $996,000 from the State Government, with a Council contribution of $498,000 to complete the $1.494 million project.

“Binns Road provides access for locals between Beech Forest and Apollo Bay, access for the logging industry into plantations and is becoming increasingly popular for tourists, particularly those visiting the Californian Redwoods.

“Upgrading the road surface, widening the culverts and installing a guardrail will improve safety and accessibility for all road users.

“The sealing of the first two kilometres of road from the north has been funded under round one of the Fixing Country Roads Program and the next 3.8 kilometres can now be sealed under the second round of funding,” Cr Schram said.

“This significant amount of funding is great news for industry and our community.”      

Council will fund its contribution for the two projects through the Council budget, which is currently on public exhibition, under its sealed road reconstruction program and bridge renewal program.


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