Municipal plan aims to maximise community health and wellbeing
July 27, 2017

Colac Otway Shire Council has endorsed a Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan, outlining how Council and health service providers can support local people to be healthy, active, safe and connected to their friends, family and community.

Key themes in the plan include preparing for an ageing population; promoting healthy eating and active living; supporting mental health and wellbeing; and supporting families to provide the best start for their children.

It also seeks to reduce harm from alcohol and other drugs, reduce family violence, increase gender equity and acknowledge and celebrate our community’s culture, heritage and diversity.

The adopted plan was refined to incorporate feedback received in submissions from 33 community members or service providers following Council’s decision at its May meeting to release the draft plan for community comment.

Mayor Chris Potter said Council consulted extensively with the community, health and wellbeing service planners, funding bodies and providers to ensure that Council had a good understanding of how our community can be supported now and into the future.

“The plan outlines strategies and actions to increase Council’s capacity to improve the public health and wellbeing of people within the municipality. When we consider Council’s functions we need to look at our service delivery through a lens that provides good health and wellbeing outcomes for our community.”

He said Council was in a unique position to influence better health and wellbeing outcomes for the community, through initiatives ranging from direct services through to advocacy to higher levels of government.

“Council plans and works with partners to support each life stage of our community from birth to workforce, from parenthood into retirement. How people stay well and connected is fundamental to their mental and physical health.

“I am confident that by implementing the commitments in this plan over the next four years Council will, together with the community and our partners, help make a significant contribution to the health and wellbeing of Colac Otway.”

The plan reflects the key themes identified by Council and community, as well as the Victorian Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2019, G21 Regional Alliance and Barwon Regional Partnership.


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