Update re 275 Barham River Road

6th February 2018

i) Objectors Inc was invited to present to Council our position re the proposed development last Wednesday 30 January.

ii) This Wednesday Colac Otway Council is holding a Special Meeting at COPAC at 4pm to debate and vote on the adequacy of the documentation submitted by the proponent to support the development application.

Clearly, the documentation is incomplete in many aspects, especially when the Landslip Risk Assessment is taken into consideration

iii) Last Friday 02-02-2018 a Landslip Risk Assessment by Golder Associates dated 1st November 2017 was made available to the public (and Objectors Inc). The report confirmed that the site is very complex geotechnically.

It would appear from this report that much of the development as proposed cannot proceed as submitted, with large areas that were earmarked for buildings excluded from development. Many of the key design elements will require, if possible, to be either relocated within the site, including the villas and main hotel, and/or the implementation of serious mitigation measures, such as redesigning proposed earthworks, drainage and runoff plans, vegetation plans, and permanent landslide monitoring systems in conjunction with an evacuation plan of the hotel.  In summary, the development proposal needs to be redesigned, in conjunction with extensive geotechnical input.

Objectors Inc and it’s technical consultants cannot see how the proposal in anyway meets any minimum standard of information and detail that is normally required for a planning permit, and is no more than a concept, and has requested to both the Minister of Planning and Council that the application be withdrawn.

Objectors Inc.

See here for further information about this proposed development.