Second Sails Yard Sale Trail

12th October 2020

During lockdown have you had a big clean up?

Did you use all that extra time to go through cupboards and clear out the items you no longer use or need?

With op shops closed or taking limited donations, are you unsure or what to do with it all?

Do you want to support our local Op Shop? All proceeds from the Op Shop go directly to supporting Great Ocean Road Health, Apollo Bay.

We are proposing a front yard sale. All the items you would have usually taken to the op shop to be set up on a table or grass out the front of your house. People can walk along the nature strip to purchase items or put a donation in a tin for them.

Seconds Sails will advertise the event, as this will help to stop us from being overwhelmed with donations.

When you register with us, we will ask for a donation from the money you make from your sales, any amount that you feel is fair.

Second Sails will list all the registered addresses and create a map, by having many houses involved we will reduce the number of people at any yard at any time. People can then follow the map around town to buy items.

Everyone must still be respectful of COVID19 restrictions - ensuring social distancing, maintaining good hygiene and wearing a face covering with no more than 10 people gathering outside each property, at any one time.

Just a reminder – we cannot accept donations at this time and ask that you do not leave any unsold items at the Op Shop – we just do not have the space. The concept for this front yard sale is to support the shop and look after our volunteers, many of whom are in the COVID19 high-risk category.

If you would like to be involved please register with either

Raelene - 0408 255 789
Meloney - 0418 984 629

For more information, contact Otway Health on (03) 5237 8500.