golf news

29th January 2018

Over the summer 18 Hole Stableford mixed groups have played on Wednesdays up until Australia Day weekend during which there were no formal competitions.

We are very sad to start our golfing season without our much valued member Sue McKenzie who died on January 20th and we extend our condolences to Brian, Melinda, Alistair and the family.

Coming up

Wed. 31 Jan '18 - Men’s 18 Hole 4 Week Stableford - Round 1

Thu. 1 Feb '18 - Women’s 18 Hole Ambrose with drawn partners followed by lunch

Sun. 4 Feb '18 - Men’s Summer Cup - Round 1. Draws will take place for match play knockouts.

Mon. 5 Feb '18 - Women’s 9 Hole Stroke

Mon. 5 Feb '18 - Course Improvement Committee meeting at 4pm

The Chicken Run continues on Friday each week. Please make up your own groups.


The Women’s Committee has decided to have 4 “learner days” of golf beginning Monday 12th February (after our usual 9 hole competition) from 4.30-5.30pm. 

So any women or junior players interested in getting back to playing golf, or if you wish to learn to play, our women members will give you instruction, and will play 3 holes of golf with you.

A small trophy will be awarded. Clubs are available, and there is no charge.