Otway Forum Report

8th April 2018
OTWAY FORUM MEETING No. 311 - Apr. 8 2018

Apology Cr. Stephen Hart.

- Directions hearing for Planning Ministers panel on the Barham Valley mega resort has called for more information from the developer/speculator.

- A list of approximately 20 issues have to be addressed.

- The developer has notified the panel this work will be done by the 15th of May.

- If this in fact occurs, then all documents will be put out for public comment for 21 days, before the panel can commence its hearings.

- COS councillors will then have to debate and vote on the proposal, hopefully at a SGM in Apollo bay.

- Removal of sand at Point Bunbury groyne and from the eastern beach within the harbour will commence shortly.

- The sand will be transported to the back beach to replace what was washed away over the last 12 months.

- The sand will continue to wash away unless held in place by groynes, as recommended in previously commissioned sand movement reports dating back 20 years!!!

- Groynes will cost a lot of money, but if the GOR is washed out much more will be lost in tourism revenue.!!

- The State Auditor General has released the report “Protecting Coastal Assets”

- It concludes “agencies are not managing their assets adequately to protect them from current and future hazards”

- A large amount needs to be spent on the AB harbour ASAP to bring it up to a safe operating standard.

- This might also help attract commercial investment.

- COS currently working on advocacy documents for upgrades and new infrastructure for the harbour, in this election year.

- The GOR Taskforce will be having an information session at the Mech. hall next Tuesday April 17th 4-6pm.

- This will identify new management models and issues and options for the GOR.

- To read the report go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- Submissions close 30th April.

- It is proposed that AB and coastal regions will remain in the Corangamite Federal seat to be renamed Cox.

- Colac and northern areas of the shire to become part of the safe conservative Wannon seat.

- Will Cox still be marginal??

- Hopefully Parks Vic. will review the Mariners Falls walk closure after a letter is sent from COS.

- How many dangerous tree falls have there been since the closure?

- GOR to be closed at Mount Defiance between 28-31 may for urgent geotechnical and drainage works.

- Are the growing number of big buses contributing to the degradation of the road?

- What will the traffic look like on the GOR once Avalon airport goes international?

- Does the number of vehicles need to be limited?

- Feasibility study for Skenes Creek to Wild Dog walk with DELWP.

- Congratulations to COS on new bike rack in front of Foodworks.

- Arts strategy still under review.

- Barham River mouth opened well below recommended level?


Otway Forum meets 2nd Sunday of every month at 3pm at Marrar Woorn or find us at www.forum.apollobay.org.au

Find out what’s really going on!

Peter Fillmore
Hon. Secretary
Otway Forum

0428 091 694