OTWAY FORUM MEETING No. 327 - Sep 8, 2019

- Drop in listening session on 20th Sept. 4-6 pm Catholic church hall, to discuss roundabout proposal at Nelson St. and GOR.

- Will a roundabout cause traffic to back up along the GOR as cars have to give way to Nelson St. traffic?

- How many serious accidents have ever occurred at this intersection?

- Is the current war memorial a heritage listed site?

- Will the long delayed foreshore master plan ever be completed?

- Community Infrastructure Plan for AB public consultations to continue this year.

- More consultation on the proposed Great Ocean Road Coasts and Parks Authority in October.

- GORCPA will be looking for feedback on the governance model and ongoing community involvement once the Authority is in place.

- Surf Coast shire has joined the long list of other councils declaring a climate emergency.

- Even the conservative UK government has declared a climate emergency.

- Will COS councillors consider voting to join this campaign to put pressure on the state and federal governments to act sooner rather than later????

- Go to caceonline.org for more information.

- Also go to breakthroughonline.org.au for detailed analysis of climate issues.

- Libby Coker our federal member raised the climate emergency in her maiden speech this Tuesday.

- Possibly one third of the sand placed on the back beach has washed away during the last two months, even without a major swell event.

- Another! report on options for front and back beach erosion due before the end of this year.

- Estimated cost for groynes and walls at AB now at $40 million.

- Otway Forum was the only submitter to the proposed COS fees and charges report.

- Some fees and charges were increased by the state government.

- Fees and charges make up 12% of the COS budget.

- With the current very low COS rate increase fees and charges can be used to boost the budget for services.

- Well done to Winter Wild organisers, also Pool committee and the AB reserves football team.


Otway Forum meets 2nd Sunday of every month at 3pm at Marrar Woorn or find us at www.forum.apollobay.org.au

Get involved and find out what’s really going on!

Peter Fillmore
Hon. Secretary
Otway Forum

0428 091 694