Apollo Bay P-12 College8th September 2014
End of term, PST Interviews, Casseroles by Candlelight, Yr9 Melbourne Trip, Junior Assembly, Casual Clothes Day


As we head towards the end of another term, a reminder that the final day for students is Thursday 18th September.  The Friday is set aside for parent-student-teacher interviews.

We hope that lots of families have put Wednesday 17th September 5pm in their diaries for the Casseroles by Candlelight at the Youth Club.  Bring along a plate of something to share for dinner (not necessarily a casserole, I know that word may not always get the tastebuds going!).

The year 9 students have spent the week in Melbourne, they did some field research for a project on city life, interviewing people and doing various counts on activities. They also visited ACMI and had much fun ice skating and at the indoor trampoline ventue called Bounce.  (Note to self: volunteer for that camp next year)

There will be an assembly for P-6 at 9:30am on Thursday 18th September to celebrate what they have learned this term.  Come along to the Leisure Centre if you would like to watch.

The last day of term is also casual clothes day – a gold coin donation to raise money for the Rural Australians for Refugees.

For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.

Nicola Philp