ab p12


13th August 2018
Yr9 Bright Camp; Yr10-11 Info Evening; Yr8 Billy Carts - Volunteer Mentors Wanted

Year 9 powder hounds bent zee knees as they took part in their winter exchange with Bright P-12 College. This is the reciprocal visit after we hosted them for surfing earlier in the year.

It was the turn of students in Year 10-11 to have their subject selection evenings this week, with important discussions about careers informing choices.

The Year 8 billy cart mentoring program is on again. It aims to break down barriers and build relationships between local teens and adults. This year’s program is now seeking volunteers.

You need a valid Working with Children card (school can help with this free qualification) and be ready to take on the challenge of working with a group of 3-4 Year 8 students to build a billy cart. The sessions will take place on Friday afternoons from 1- 3pm. We are keen to have a mix of male and female mentors to work with our students. Please contact the school if you are interested in helping.


For more information please contact the College on (03) 5237 6483.

Nicola Philp