Council encourages community participation in Citizens’ Jury
August 30, 2017
Mayor Chris Potter has encouraged community members to nominate for a citizens’ jury that will help develop proposals for Colac’s growth up to the year 2050.
Cr Potter said the citizens’ jury put everyday people in the driver’s seat to decide how and where Colac should grow to achieve an aspirational population target of 20,000 people by 2050.
Invitations have been mailed out to all households in the Colac Otway Shire, and to non-resident ratepayers with information about how to nominate for the jury.
The jury will sit across three days in October and November and will explore where to locate new housing, and what additional infrastructure and services are required to service a larger population.
The three day jury process will analyse opportunities and constraints for growth, review background reports and maps, hear from expert speakers and discuss how and where Colac should grow.
At the end of the three days the jury will have determined detailed options for growth which members will then present as a recommendation to Council.
Mayor Chris Potter said Council was empowering the community to take a lead role in Colac’s future and he hoped there would be a strong response to the citizens’ jury invitation.
“The jury will be made up of group of 45 or more Colac residents or shire ratepayers. The participants are just like you and me, and they will be specifically selected to match the balance of genders, ages and geographical backgrounds represented in our wider community,” he said.
“Each participant will have a valuable contribution to make, but the result is a collective one that will be put to Council for consideration.
“We have confidence in the process and the judgement of the public and expect their contribution to assist and guide Council’s as we plan for our collective future.
“Council has received dedicated funding for the citizen’s jury from Regional Development Victoria and we’re really excited to be embarking on this process,” Cr Potter said.
Registrations are now open through Deliberately Engaging, an independent company that will manage jury selection.
Registrations can be completed online at or by contacting Nivek Thompson on 0472 761 324.
More information on the Colac 2050 Growth Plan and Citizens’ Jury can be found on the Community Consultations page of Council’s website.
Council Enquiries
(03) 5232 9400