Equipment to provide safety improvement for mariners and harbour users
June 4, 2019

An upgrade to navigational safety equipment will mean improved safety for mariners and harbour users thanks to a grant of $247,000 obtained by Colac Otway Shire Council from the Boating Safety and Facilities Program through Department of Transport.

Council’s Port of Apollo Bay Coordinator Simon McBeth said the grant has enabled significant improvements to marine safety systems.

“With the grant, Council has made a number of necessary equipment upgrades to the old system which will vastly improve safety for mariners and harbour users within Colac Otway Shire.

“Works which have been funded include: new port and lateral lights at the entrance to the Apollo Bay harbour; upgrade of lead and sector lights at Skenes Creek, upgrade of light at end of break wall and new lead lights for entry to Apollo Bay harbour.

“Upgrade works have been in place and operational for a little over a month now and Council has received great feedback on the improved visibility and positive flow-on effects for user safety.

“These safety initiatives will play an important role in our Colac Otway community making boating safer and more accessible,” Mr McBeth said.

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