Have Partnership pays off with $2m Federal funding towards innovative housing program
May 17, 2024Read more: Partnership pays off with $2m Federal funding towards innovative housing program
Have Your Say on Council’s Draft Flag Policy
March 28, 2024Council’s Grants Program Now Open
March 8, 2024Colac Otway Youth Art Workshops
February 23, 2024Important upgrades underway at Port of Apollo Bay
February 22, 2024Read more: Important upgrades underway at Port of Apollo Bay
Charging towards zero emissions
February 19, 2024Clean up from recent storm event continues
December 21, 2023Youth Photography Competition a success!
December 20, 2023Council to host Apollo Bay Skate Park Leagues Competition
November 11, 2023Read more: Council to host Apollo Bay Skate Park Leagues Competition
Cr Marg White elected Mayor of Colac Otway Shire
November 9, 2023Council Adopts Roadmap for the Environment
November 3, 2023Fair Access Information Sessions for Colac Otway sporting clubs
October 31, 2023Read more: Fair Access Information Sessions for Colac Otway sporting clubs
- Community Input Invited on Apollo Bay Property
- Have Your Say - Colac Otway Visitor Information Service Review
- Calling on young people in Colac Otway to help shape Council’s Youth Program
- Best Value Review of Council’s Aged and Disability Services – Information Sessions
- Supporting communities to prepare for the fire season ahead
- Fire preparedness a shared responsibility
- Colac Otway Commences Service Review
- Early Childhood Workforce Expo a success
- Colac Otway Sport and Recreation Survey open for community input
- Helping Colac Otway homes go electric
- Survey to assist future planning for childcare services
- Colac Otway Shire proposed General Local Law on exhibition for community feedback