Colac Otway provides in principal support for RRV‘s Apollo Bay roundabout proposal
May 23, 2019

Colac Otway Shire has given in principle support to Regional Road Victoria’s plan to install a roundabout at the intersection of the Great Ocean Road and Nelson Street, Apollo Bay.

But the Council’s support is subject to RRV continuing consultation in relation to the reasonable community concerns, particularly those directly affected by the proposal.

Council has also wants a commitment from VicRoads that an upgrade of the intersection of the Great Ocean Road and Nelson Street which gives access to the Port of Apollo Bay, be included in the design and funding of the roudabout.

Council Chief Executive Peter Brown said RRV had written to Council requesting in principal support of the roundabout proposal which was RRV’s preferred option to upgrade the intersection.

“Council decided at its February Ordinary Council Meeting that it would express an absence of support for the project until determined otherwise,” Mr Brown said.

“RRV briefed Councillors on its increased community consultation and the work it had done to address community concerns.

“RRV informed Council that it had chosen a roundabout as its preferred option because of a range of benefits including the relocated war memorial would have paths to the war memorial and the proposal had the support of the local RSL.

“The road authority also advises that parking adjacent to Moontide and the church will increase under the proposal, the roundabout will allow buses to turn around on the Great Ocean Road and address safety issues such as confusion at the intersection and pedestrian safety,” he said.

“Council is not an approving authority however RRV has said it would prefer to proceed with the project with Council’s support, which we have provided in principal, subject to continuing community consultation and an upgrade of the intersection which provides access to the Port.”


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